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Organization not for profit

"Une pensée spéciale à tous  et à toutes ,  victimes du tremblement de terre du 14 aout  2021 . Comme toujours Haiti Vision sera toujours de votre coté. Notre support  ne tardera pas. ayiti  pap peri"

A kind and special thought to all of you, victims of the august 14th 2021 eartquake. as always , Haiti vision Inc will be by your side and our help will not tarry. Haiti will not perish


Work mainly  with farmers in our different areas of intervention to design and implement programs and activities for the benefit of community development.

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The specific objectives for which the Corporation is organized are as follow


 Work to improve the life conditions of people

in Haiti in the areas of Health, Nutrition and

Education across the country.

• Conceive and execute programs for the

development of communities.

• Contribute in the development of rural

communities by assisting the little farmers and

their farms in producing more and improving

their life conditions.

• Create jobs

• Work with National and International organizations who share our objectives.


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Haiti Vision Inc. is a Haitian national and international NGO. It was founded in Florida to facilitate the social integration of Haitian refugees in the USA and to improve the life conditions of the peasants living in the rural areas of Haiti.   HV was officially recognized by the state of Florida in 1992 and by the Haitian government in 1997. It has its offices in Florida and in Haiti.

In the USA, HV works with Haitian refugees and others to help them improve their social and economic conditions by assisting them in acquisition of skills and work; and to find a balanced spiritual life.

In Haiti, HV focuses its activities in agriculture, the environment, building of basic infrastructure, the improvement of education, health care and economic assistance. Its target groups are the peasants

living in the rural areas and the very poor in the urban areas. HV supports the idea of decentralization as it provides basic office services in some cities that are far away from the capital of Port-au-Prince.

In the area of the Environment, HV finances small projects of land preservation and agro-forestry with different farmers associations in the commune of Petit-Goave. It provides also small loans with no interest to small merchant associations to increase their buying capacity and their saving ability.

In education, HV sponsors different schools in some of the poorest rural areas of the city of Petit-Goave by providing free tuition and books to many students. HV also helps in the payroll of some faculty staff and organizes seminars of formation for teachers and school directors through a program called: ” Standardization of the primary studies level”.

In its objective to help the poorest among the poor in Haiti, HV seeks financial help from international organizations in order to provide better services to the needy and help them cope with basic life necessities. Thus during the years from 2004-2009, HV has obtained from the USAID some food aid for needy people in different cities where we provide services. The beneficiaries include: malnourished children, students from kindergarten to secondary schools, handicapped persons, hospital patients, different regional associations in poor rural and urban areas etc.


Haiti Vision is Jehovah's vision for Haiti. It aims to improve the living conditions of the population, especially those who live in rural areas.

This gives haiti vision work team varying experiences and has allowed them to work with different patners from national and international institutions.

Including: USAID, the international Relief Team, USDA, FAO-PAM, AID etc.


Pastor Daniel Sudre


The President and the General Director of Haiti Vision, is a native of La Gonave. Being the oldest son of his family, at a very early age his parents instilled in him a sense of responsibility in being a help and a model for his younger brothers, and a protective figure for his sisters. After his primary study in La Gonave, the young Sudre migrated to Petit-Goave to pursue his secondary studies. While in school, the very dynamic and diligent young fellow started to work to provide for his family. His sense of professionalism, his dedication to hard work and excellence led him to work for world Vision International in La Gonave as project director. While working in difficult situations in La Gonave, the young Daniel Sudre started to feel and experience first-hand the deplorable conditions in which his Haitian brothers and sisters were living in. He then started to ask God if Haiti was not part of his plan and if he didn’t have any vision for Haiti. Later on, when Mr. Daniel Sudre migrated to the United States........

 Pastor Jacques Philippe Eugene


Along the way while in Florida, he met another young Haitian brother from Petit-Goave, Mr. Jacques Philipe Eugene known as Brother Moses Joshua Israel who was inspired by God also about His vision for Haiti. Since then, Brother Moses joined hands together with Pastor Daniel as the vice president and International Coordinator to inspire others in coming to share the vision and to work together as the army of God in order to usher a new way of life in Haiti which will reflect righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. These two young ministers of God have joined hands together in the spirit of faith, unity, and love to be a testimony of hope, to be in the forefront to inspire others in finding their purpose and to be part of the great vision of Yehovah for Haiti for its written. Where there is no vision the people perish but where there is a true Vision the people will flourish.

Pastor Jean Claude VILME


In Florida also Pastor Daniel SUDRE met another young Haitian, Pastor Jean Claude VILME called brother Lazare who adheres to the vision for Haiti as being descendant of the tribe of Judah, more precisely of the house of David. From 2001 and onward the hand of solidarity and friendship was given between these three brothers in Christ. Since then Mr. Lazare has been fulfilling the role of Secretary and Administrator in the executive council of the organization Haiti vision.

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2826, Broadway suite 204

Riviera Beach Fl. 33404




1147 Ave La Hatte 

Petit-Goave, Haiti, HT 6220

Tel:(+509) 3632-7313/4079-6833



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